Highlighting the Heroes: University of VA and Drexel Medicine Grad Up for $25K Award

| Friday, Mar 28, 2014
Our H.E.R.O. Award -Honoring Excellent Resident Observations – was launched to highlight the personal sacrifices and educational commitment during a medical resident’s professional adult life.  We realize, considering the fast moving changes in healthcare,  how courageous medical residents are to embark upon a career in medicine with such an uncertain future.  This award is our way of recognizing that courage.

We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to our nominees individually:


medical school debt

Adam Lipman

University of Virginia – Opthalmology – Charlottesville, VA – Charlottesville, VA
From Dr. Lipman:
Drexel University Medical School was like no other experience I have had. It is truly a lifelong commitment to master the complexity of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology, and to compact this into 4 years is daunting. The friendships that I’ve made during this time of my life have been some of the strongest. I believe it is this camaraderie between classmates to see each other succeed under such duress that makes such an undertaking possible and for me has what made it memorable.” “Ophthalmology residency at University of Virginia has been an exceptional experience and has exceeded all of my expectations. One unique aspect that fits to my learning style is the resident clinic, a continuity clinic that allows us as residents to establish and maintain relationships with patients throughout the three years of training. This has allowed me to better understand the course of eye conditions and follow how they improve with therapy. This has also prepared me for life outside of residency where the doctor-patient relationship becomes even more important.”
On why he entered medicine:
“For me, the decision to enter the field of medicine was not difficult. I have developed an image of what being a physician means ever since I was three and went in to surgery to have my tonsils and adenoids removed. It is the care and service that they provide to the community, and role they play in so many people’s lives that motivated my desire to become a physician. The fact that I came out of what could have been an extremely traumatic experience to a three year old with such a good feeling about medicine exemplifies the art of providing compassionate medical care.”
On his personal sacrifice:
“A commitment to spend the greater part of one’s 20’s buried in studies and learning medicine is something that is difficult to comprehend until you have turned 30 and realize that you will still be in training for another 3 years. That said, I would choose this path again in a heartbeat given the opportunity.”
Vote for Adam here. If you know a resident that deserves to be recognized, please nominate your candidate here.