Our H.E.R.O. Award -Honoring Excellent Resident Observations – was launched to highlight the personal sacrifices and educational commitment during a medical resident’s professional adult life. We realize, considering the fast moving changes in healthcare, how courageous medical residents are to embark upon a career in medicine with such an uncertain future. This award is our way of recognizing that courage.
We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to our nominees individually:
Elizabeth Miller
Dr. Miller attended the
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda, Maryland and is now in a U.S. Army residency program as an active duty Army Officer. USUHS was memorable to her as it is a military medical school. While they study the same subjects as civilian medical schools, the learning environment is also designed to guide students into becoming military physicians. Dr. Miller thought the field exercises were ‘way too much fun to be allowed in a serious learning environment.’
When she rotated in General Surgery at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, she realized that she had “found her people;” their attitudes and goals matched hers. She enjoyed the more obvious and instantaneous solutions to medical conditions. If she had to choose again, she states that she would place WBAMC first choice every time. The residents act like a family and the staff are highly committed to resident education.
For Dr. Miller, there was no one great moment that lead her to medicine. As she completed her undergraduate education, she shadowed physicians and volunteered at a local ER while in college. She realized the medical community was where she was happiest.
While still a medical student at USUHS, she met her husband, who was in the Army (at that time she was in the Air Force). In order to marry, she decided to switch services and join the Army – cross from blue to green. However, this meant she had to spend an additional training year as a transitional intern with no guarantee of acceptance into a surgical residency. Now that she is a surgical intern, she realizes the extra year was well worth it. She states that she enjoys surgery, loves her husband, is thrilled to be a part of the Army, and believes the experiences required to get where she is today have made her a better person.
Vote for Elizabeth here.
If you know a resident that deserves to be recognized,
please nominate your candidate here.