The important thing to realize is that the whole purpose of automation is to save time, improve coverage, and remove the potential for human error in your Quality Assurance tools.
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The important thing to realize is that the whole purpose of automation is to save time, improve coverage, and remove the potential for human error in your Quality Assurance tools.
Although Africa is a continent with many health epidemics like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and ebola, for many countries, the biggest medical problem of all is the lack of access to basic healthcare.
I am an Emergency Medicine physician by day (and night of course), but my true overall goal is to teach preventative principles and strategies to help avoid Emergency Department visits and progression of disease as a whole.
As of 2013, more than a third of the nation’s hospitals did not offer a form of language assistance to this rising population of people for whom English is not their primary language.
There is no simple solution that is consistently effective in managing this disorder, but psychologists and psychiatrists are accustomed to dealing with each case as if it were the first.
Before her death, Marilyn was prescribed numerous barbiturates, sedatives, and amphetamines for her various mental health issues.
As we swing into the dog days of summer and continue with record heat in some parts of the country, it’s important to talk about a potential health risk: heat exhaustion.
Researchers found that the amount of reduction in white matter in an overweight person’s brain was similar to the amount of reduction in white matter in the brain of a non-overweight person 10 years older.
U.S. hospitals produce more than 2.3 million tons of waste each year, which is harmful for the environment and raises healthcare costs for the facilities.
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a rapidly growing trend in the healthcare industry, and for good reason.
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