Medelita Medical Organization Affiliation Synergy A Real Win-Win

| Tuesday, Jul 02, 2013
2013 has been a vibrant year at Medelita and one of the many areas of growth has been with our Medical Group Affiliations.  Over 20 Medical Organizations have become affiliated partners with Medelita so far this year, including National, International, and regional organizations. Affiliation brings synergistic benefits to Medical organizations such as member discounts on Medelita lab coats and scrubs, gift certificates and catalogs for organization conferences, and cooperative website promotions.   We recently invited our organization contacts to discuss some additional benefits available for 2014 and the response has been swift and positive. In the four years since Medelita first began offering affiliation relationships, no organization has decided to discontinue their affiliation status.  The relationship has value to organization members and organizations themselves through creating additional value and membership incentives. We are happy to continue growing our affiliation relationships.  If you are a member of, or represent, a Medical organization you think would be a good fit for affiliation with Medelita, please contact Medical Associations