Our world has been overtaken by gadgets and smart phones. There may be many cons to this technology-driven world which we are living in, but that is a discussion for another day. This article focuses on the pros, the convenience technology has provided us with for virtually any and every prupose. Hobbies, professions and daily tasks have been made easier with the advent of the smart phone and the billions of apps that come along with it.
Fitness apps, alarms, shopping, Photoshop, collages, teaching, kids games, etc; you can find almost anything on the App Store or the Google Play store. What’s more, now there are a good number of brain-related apps available on that can greatly aid neurosurgeons with their work.
Some apps make neurological practice easier whereas some provide shortcuts to do the clinical work more efficiently. Below are some of the most helpful apps for those in the neurosurgery specialty:
StrokePad is an app designed especially for stroke patients. It is a detailed and real-time clinical record keeping app which manages all the functions from admission of the patient to his/her discharge. The interface of the app is highly digitalized and uses the pen and paper function. There is no need for dual entry on the app and the paper trail is greatly minimized. Due to this optimal collection and management of clinical data, revenue is increased as costs go down.
This has been classified as the number 1 neurosurgery app in the world. This app is so useful that Surgical Neurology International and the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) officially support it.
NeuroMind offers an interactive decision support as well as grading system. It offers collaborative management which involves everyone in discussion as well as remarking on scores.
Fast Test
This app helps a person to quickly assess if he/she is having a stroke. Most people are oblivious to the symptoms of a stroke and do not call emergency in time. With this app, people can be aware if they are having a stroke and be checked by a neurosurgeon on time.
5-Minute Neurology Consult
This app focuses on symptoms and tests for neurological disorders. It has a wide range of detailed and organized clinical information on all disorders of the brain. The cherry on top is that all these disorders are in a 5 minute format.
The app is very organized and easy-to-understand with all diseases being categorized with symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. It also includes a calculator and a flowchart to aid in clinical decision making.
Neurology® is one of the most popular clinical neurology journals in the world. It is published 48 times in a year and includes articles of information, interest as well scientific notes on all issues pertaining to the brain.
Neurology® Clinical Practice
This is an official American Academy of Neurology journal. It publishes timely updates on the concerns and questions met by a neurosurgeon. It has case based articles as well as office issues and management tips.
Brain test is a self-administered test that can be taken in a few minutes. It is reliable in deducing whether your memory and cognitive abilities are working as they should. The science behind BrainTest® was developed in Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. BrainTest® is the online, convenient version of the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE®).
The most useful feature of this app is that it can be taken anywhere. You can take it at home and share the results with your physician, or neurosurgeons can ask patients to take it while waiting for their appointment.
This simple test detects early signs of memory and cognitive impairment. This early detection of brain cell deterioration is especially useful for neurosurgeons as well as patients in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Although there is no definite cure for these conditions, early medications have proven to work better than giving medicine when the condition has progressed.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of young deaths and everyone from healthcare providers, neurosurgeons and physicians should know about it. This app is designed by a team of neurosurgeons to shed light on this critical topic.
This app consists of schematic figures as well as real case scenarios and pictures to assist in learning of this crucial topic.
FINR Brain Atlas
This app is an ingenius way to explore the brain and any brain injuries in a 3-D brain model. The 3-D model makes understanding a brain injury much easier and neurosurgeons can make a well informed decision regarding the treatment of a patient.
Brain Tutor HD
This app features a high resolution, 360 degrees rotating 3-D brain models that can help understand brain anatomy. The unique thing about this app is that it uses brain models as well as fiber tracts that are made from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This aspect allows users to “slice” the brain and have a high definition view inside.
This app is ideal for neurosurgeons who want to teach their students neurology. It is an easy yet detailed app for learning purposes.
An eponym is a noun which is made after a person; for instance, Rovsing’s sign. With over 1700 eponyms in medical science, this app is a great way to look up an eponym and its meaning.
Neuro Board Review
Neurology and neurosurgery are constantly growing fields in scope, complexity and diagnosis. Anyone would find it difficult to keep up with the avalanche of information that they need to know and understand to better perform their already complex jobs.
Colen publishing has affiliated with Medicom Health Interactive to deal with this challenge by creating the Colen Flash Review. There are modules in this app which are incorporated in the form of flashcards. It also includes tables, illustrations and notes for further aid. Moreover, each card is followed by a mini-examination as well as prompt answers.
You can go through as many cards as you want in one day. Although this is not exactly a substitute of textbooks, these cards are extremely helpful in refreshing information learnt throughout your career from books, operating tables and your peers.
The knowledge base for neurology and neurosurgery is constantly growing , and the current day trainee or practitioner of neurosurgery often finds it difficult to keep up with the explosion of information, especially with the healthy growth in specialization in various branches of medicine.
I hope that you would find the above-mentioned apps useful. Have you used some awesome apps for neurosurgery? Share it with us in the comments below.
About the author:
Audrey Throne is a blogger by choice and profession. She loves to read and write about different aspects related to technology and medical. Find her on Twitter: @audrey_throne.