Enclothed Cognition

    • iPad Pockets Have Arrived!

      iPads accounted for 7% of recent Christmas Day sales, and sales from mobile devices increased to 14.4% - a 172.9% boost over 5.3% on Christmas Day 2010. It is clear that iPads are gaining momentum in all sectors of society, and healthcare is no exception. For many of our colleagues, the iPad can save a lot time every day that is usually spent finding a computer workstation or collecting image printouts. Even the government has recognized the importance of this timesaving technology, and The U.S. Veteran’s Administration is planning a National Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution that would introduce 100,000 tablets in their 152-hospital network in the near future. As iPads continue to grow as a medical tool, we're dedicated to providing our customers with the functionality you need in a lab coat - which is why we've redesigned many of our lab coats to fit an iPad. Our improved lab coat designs allow you to keep your iPad confidently and securely in your lab coat pocket. The new iPad pockets are reinforced along the seam and designed to offer easy access to a tablet while ensuring it remains snugly protected. Currently the women's Estie and men's Laennec and Osler accommodate an iPad in all sizes, while many of our other lab coat styles fit an iPad in select sizes, as seen in the picture below.
    • Visual Innovation: The Invention of Contact Lenses

      Did you know that contact lenses were developed before the band-aid? In fact, as far back as the 1500s, Leonardo da Vinci examined how glass and water affected vision, and he sketched several optical devices that displayed the same principles as contact lenses. However, the first contact lenses were not made until several centuries later. The contact lens is the product of a true amalgamation of inventive minds, and it's difficult to assign credit to just one. In 1888, Adolf Eugene Fick described the first refractive contact lens as a very thin and small glass bowl. The 'contact spectacle' as he called it, was placed on the eye, and the area between the bowl and the eyeball was filled with a tear-like liquid. In that same year, Eugene Kalt described a lens used to treat keratoconus by pressing down on the cornea. One year later, a medical student in Germany, August Miller, started creating his own contact lenses shaped to the curvature of the cornea. I myself wear contact lenses, and it can be difficult enough to get them onto my eyeballs without trouble from a stray eyelash or an involuntary and ill-timed blink. Given that, it's perplexing to me that the original contact lenses were actually made of glass. As might be expected, these early lenses caused too much eye irritation to be effective. In fact, it wasn't until William Feinbloom made the first plastic contact lenses in 1936 that they truly became a viable solution for the public.
    • Guest Blog: And it looks like that!

      As all medical professionals know, we have some long and stressful days, but we also get a few special moments that make it all worth it. Let me start this story by saying that I am a veterinarian, trained in animal diseases. It is my last appointment of the day. "Check skin," according to the chart. A young couple stand up when I call for "Winston". They follow me to the exam room, along with my technician Amy. They sit down while I start the physical exam and collect medical history. "Winston" is a very happy, hyperactive puppy, whose only goal is to lick us to death. Amy is using all of her restraining skills so that I can get a good look at him for more than a second. I work my way from head to toe, coming back to the tiny hairless spots on his head and neck. I tell the owners that I would like to do some tests on Winston to rule out ringworm. I inform them that ringworm is not a worm but a fungal infection, unfortunately fairly common in puppies in this part of the world (we are on a US military base in Asia). Given the clinical presentation and the age, ringworm is high on my list. It is also my responsibility to warn them that Ringworm can be contagious to people. I tell them innocently "and the skin lesions on people look like..." As I say these words, I look up at the lady, and freeze in horror. Amy follows my gaze, freezes too, slowly walks away and starts washing her hands thoroughly and noisily in the sink behind me. All this probably happened in two seconds but lasted an eternity, as I fought a extreme urge to scream and laugh at the same time. "And it looks like... " I repeat, as I cannot take my eyes away from the lady's red spots all over her legs, arms, and neck. She is wearing a tank top and shorts, and I can not believe I did not see that earlier, but I was too focused on my furry patient. The husband is wearing pants and long sleeves, so I will never know if he has the same issue. Not wanting to hurt my client's feelings, I refrain from finishing my sentence. For all I know, she may have some serious incurable skin condition, and I may be insulting her by telling her she has ringworm like her dog! "And it looks exactly like that!" I could not stop thinking, as Amy kept scrubbing her hands! Clients often ask their veterinarian for medical advice. Twice already, a client has lift up her shirt to show me a random scratch or spot on her abdomen. Past the look of shock on my face, I gently tell them that I do not know what it is and that I recommend that they go see their doctor... And I remind myself how lucky I am to be working on animals! Medelita Guest Blogger: Julie Pearson, DVM. Julie is currently working on the East Coast as a small animal veterinarian. She was born and raised in France, where she got her degree before getting licensed in the USA. She enjoys being a general practitioner, and feels privileged to be there for her patients, whether it is for a wellness visit or a serious medical issue. Julie has been wearing Medelita since August 2010, and is seen here wearing her scrubs.
    • What do your patients want?

      It's a safe bet to assume that your patients want a knowledgeable and understanding doctor, but the finer points of their expectations and preferences might surprise you. Researchers from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, interviewed 415 U.S. adults by telephone about how they want their doctors to greet them. The results revealed that most patients want to be greeted with a handshake and the use of their name. Desiring a more personal touch in a world quickly becoming more impersonal, they also prefer it when their doctors introduce themselves using their first and last name. The survey found that, among patients: • 78.1% wanted physicians to shake their hands, while 18.1% did not. • 50.4% wanted their first names used during greetings, 17.3% preferred their last name and 23.6% favored the physician using both first and last names. • 56.4% wanted physicians to introduce themselves using first and last names, 32.5% expected physicians to use their last name, and 7.2% would like physicians to use their first name only. According to this survey, patients would generally prefer you to shake their hand, call them by their first name, and introduce yourself with both your first and last name. Who knew?! How have you traditionally introduced yourself in the past? Was a formal patient introduction stressed in medical school?
    • Medelita in Ethiopia

      One of our guest bloggers here at Medelita is Becky Carlton, BSN, CNM. Becky is a nurse-midwife who has been doing missionary work for many years, with such organizations as the Peace Corps and Doctors without Borders (MSF). She is currently working as the Midwifery Dean at Gimbie Adventist Hospital in Ethiopia. Gimbie Adventist Hospital is located in Gimbie Town, in the mountainous Oromia Region of Ethiopia. The Hospital serves the residents of Gimbie Town and the surrounding rural communities (approximately 250,000 people). The majority of the population is composed of subsistence farmers, with per capita income below the international poverty line of $1 USD per day. Our Founder, Lara Manchik, PA-C, has a history of missionary work and has instilled the value of contribution and charity into who we are as a company. We were honored to be given an opportunity to assist the work that Becky is doing, and were happy to donate scrubs. Becky recently sent us pictures from Gimbie showing our scrubs in action, and I'm proud to share them with you. [gallery]
    • Office Dress Codes: An Expert's Opinion

      Medelita EmbroideryAs building trust between staff and patients is often a primary concern for any medical practice, the appearance of an office must similarly portray an unequivocal image of professionalism and aptitude, consistent with the high standards and level of expertise patients expect. Through the Office Makeover program, Medelita helps medical and dental professionals ensure that they are conveying the right message to their patients - a message of capability, thoughtfulness, concern, and caring. While the idea that professional appearance is important has been a Medelita mantra for years, it has been our ultimate hope to create a paradigm shift in the world of medical uniforms. We were, therefore, extremely honored when Medelita was mentioned in a recent article about dressing for success in an office environment. Image consultant, Janice Hurley-Trailor, says she usually recommends a dress code for a medical or dental office. Here are her reasons why: • Professional and consistent dress throughout the office raises the patients’ perceptions of you. They take pride in having selected such a professional and organized practice. • Patients’ trust in your cleanliness and professionalism improves patient retention and compliance, thus improving practice success. • It builds team spirit and pride in your professionalism. • It decreases any concerns or confusion about what the doctor wants you to wear. • It decreases the amount of time the doctor (or doctor’s significant other) spends worrying about whether and how to correct a staff member’s dress issue. • It decreases staff judgments about another team member’s appearance and the tension that causes. • You never waste time worrying about your appearance, because you’re always confident that you are prepared to impress everyone you meet. • You become attractive to prospective team members who share your self-respect and professionalism themselves. To read more of Janice's article, go here. If you'd like to learn more about the Medelita Office Makeover Program, please call us at 877.987.7979. We're looking forward to helping you create the perfect office image.
    • A Free Lab Coat for the New Year

      As 2012 approaches, we wanted to end the year on a special note. We're so grateful for the community of enthusiastic, engaging, and caring health professionals that have joined us on Facebook, and so we decided to give one lucky Facebook fan a FREE Medelita lab coat. Entering is easy! 1. Post a picture of yourself on Facebook - wearing a Medelita garment (lab coat or scrubs) 2. 'Tag' Medelita in the photograph (or post it directly on our page) Post your picture by January 1st, 2012 and you will be placed in a random drawing for a free lab coat of your choice. In addition to a brand new Medelita lab coat, you will also receive free name & title embroidery. We'll be announcing the winner on January 6th - there's no better way to start a new year than with a free lab coat, so be sure to post a picture!
    • Good Health Intentions for New Year Resolutions

      With a New Year comes New Year resolutions, and very often, resolutions include commitments to improve our health in some way. According to usa.gov, resolutions popular year after year include: • Drinking less alcohol • Losing weight • Exercising more • Quitting smoking • Managing stress The intention and an inherent desire to be healthier are there in all of us, and in your patients. Unfortunately, many resolutions fade after the first month or so. This year make a commitment to be true to your resolution - so that your patients can be inspired to be true to theirs. What is your promise for 2012?
    • Scotch, Santa, and Barber Surgeons

      At my house, Santa Claus didn't drink milk. Every year as a child, I'd leave a plate of cookies, a glass of scotch, and a carrot (for Rudolph). Every Christmas morning, there'd be a plate of crumbs, a missing carrot, and an empty glass. It didn't occur to me until later that if every child was doing that, then Santa must be driving his sleigh extremely drunk. Later even than that, I realized my grandfather was the one drinking the scotch. I was curious, therefore, when I discovered that both my inebriated version of Santa and my grandfather were choosing a liquor with a medical history. The word whiskey comes from the ancient Celtic word uisge beatha, which means water of life, and whiskey was actually known as aqua vitae during the Middle Ages. The first license for the production and sale of Scotch whiskey was granted to the Guild of Surgeon Barbers in Edinburgh by Royal charter of James IV in 1505. It was an exclusive monopoly, and they were the only organization that could produce and sell Scotch whiskey. Why the barber surgeons? At that time, a surgeon’s responsibilities were primarily limited to bleeding, amputations, and the drainage of pus - sounds pleasant, huh? Anesthetics like lidocaine, chloroform, and ether weren't available for another 350 some years, so whiskey was often used to dull the pain when performing an operation. For Santa, I imagine it would dull the pain of flying around in the snow all night. As for my grandfather . . . he simply made the most of his role. Ironically, he was a barber, but I assure you that no one in my family ever had a limb amputated on Christmas.
    • Pharmacy Fables: The Origins of Rx

      We know that Rx (Rx) represents prescription medication, but do you know the origins of this everyday symbol? The origin of Rx is actually a subject of debate. A popular (but rather unromantic) theory suggests that it is an abbreviation for the Latin word 'recipere', which means recipe or 'take'. As such, when a medical practitioner writes a prescription beginning with " Rx ", he or she is completing the command to take whatever medication is recommended. Another theory suggests that Rx is derived from the ancient astrological symbol for Jupiter. The use of this sign originated in the Middle Ages, when doctors believed that the planets influenced Health. Jupiter, named after the Roman king of the gods, was thought to be the most powerful of all the heavenly bodies in curing disease. In 1910, William Osler wrote, “In a cursive form it is found in mediaeval translations of the works of Ptolemy the astrologer, as the sign of the planet Jupiter. As such it was placed upon horoscopes and upon formula containing drugs made for administration to the body, so that the harmful properties of these drugs might be removed under the influence of the lucky planet.” The final theory leaves the Romans in the dust, or rather sand, to take us to Ancient Egypt. Some claim that Rx has in fact evolved from the Eye of Horus. Horus was the son of two of the main gods in Egyptian mythology, Isis and Osiris. Horus had an evil uncle, Seth, who murdered Osiris, and Horus killed him to avenge his father's death. During the fight, Seth plucked out Horus' left eye and tore it apart. Thoth (the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic) found the eye, pieced it together, and added some magic. He returned the eye to Horus, who in turn gave it to his murdered father Osiris, thereby bringing him back to life. The Eye of Horus was therefore considered a powerful symbol, worn as an amulet to ensure good health and ward off sickness. The truth of the origins of the Rx symbol may never be proven without a doubt, with theories ranging from the practical to the mystical. What do you think?
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